Chemical Peels

Micro-peel $95 (can be added to any customized facial for $20 upgrade)

Light Chemical Peel i$150 (Follow up facial 1 week after peel is required)

Mid-Depth/Deep Chemical Peel $200 (Follow up facial 1 week after peel is required)


A chemical peel can provide great improvement in your skin.  There are many types of chemical peels and vary in strength and depth.  They can range from a mild exfoliation to a deep peel, and can address many different conditions, offer great improvement to facial blemishes, wrinkles and uneven skin pigmentation.  They are even useful in removing pre-cancerous skin growths, softening acne scars and controlling acne breakouts. 


Light-peels such as alpha hydroxy, salicylic acid and malic acids are the mildest of the peel formulas and produce lighter peeling, flaking and exfoliation. These types of peels provide smoother, brighter-looking skin by removing the top layer of dead skin cells and are for people who can’t spare the time to recover from a mid-depth or deeper peel.  The precise formula used is adjusted to fit your needs.  *This is still considered deeper than over-the-counter peels or facial peels that are used in conjunction with facials.


Deeper peels such as the TCA, Modified Jessner, TriPlex and AlphaBeta peels are used for mid-depth and deep depth peeling and remove several of the top layers of the skin.  These peels help with deeper wrinkles, blemishes, scars and pigment problems. 


In determining which peel is right for you, it is important we discuss your expectations and skin care goals. This will help determine which peel is right for you.  Don’t hesitate to ask any questions or express any concerns that you may have.  Once we have decided on a treatment plan, I will explain everything in detail, including the benefits, any risks, after care instructions and what to expect during the actual treatment and during the recovery process. 


• What to expect and frequently asked questions •



If you use Retin-A or Retinol you will need to stop using this 2 weeks prior to your treatment.  If you are using any prescription strength topical acne medications you will need to stop using this 3 days prior to your peel. It is important that we discuss your current skin care regimen during your peel consultation so that we can determine if there are products you are currently using that need to be discontinued before the treatment.  On the other hand, hydroquinone or other bleaching agents may sometimes be used in conjunction with the chemical peel, and you may be advised to start using these prior to your peel. But, once again, we will discuss all of this during your consultation.  If you have a history of cold sores (herpes simplex) you may want to start suppressive therapy one week prior to your chemical peel as there is a possibility of an outbreak from the treatment that may occur.  It is not recommended that you receive a mid-depth or deep chemical peel if you have used Acutane in the past 6 months, have had recent plastic surgery or facial radiation in the past year or have an ACTIVE herpes infection, or an impaired immune system. 


After an AHA peel or light peel, it is common to experience some temporary flaking or scaling, redness and dryness of the skin.  However, these conditions will disappear within a few days after the treatment.

After a mid-depth or deep peel it is common to experience redness, irritation and swelling for the first few days. Depending on the peel that you receive you may not be able to wash your face for the first 24 hours while the peel self-neutralizes, or you may be advised to keep a heavy barrier cream on for the first several days.  Again, this all depends on the type of peel you receive and I will go over all of this information with you before and after your treatment.



With all peels, you may experience temporary redness, tightness, dryness and swelling for the first 1 to 3 days following the peel.  And, with deeper peels your skin may turn a brownish color after 2 to 3 days, become a little bit crusty and then begin to  flake and peel over the following several days. After you are done peeling, the skin may be very red at first then gradually fade to a pinkish color over the following weeks.  During this time, IT IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU USE SUNBLOCK OF A 30 SPF OR HIGHER TO AVOID HYPER-PIGMENTING THE SKIN.  It is also extremely important that you do not help the peeling process in any way.  Do not pick, scratch or rub the skin what so ever.  This may cause blotchy, irregular skin coloring and scaring.



Do not use any hydroxy acids or retinols for 2 weeks following your treatment.

Do not use facial scrubs or abrasive loofahs, sponges or wash clothes for 2 weeks following your treatment.

Avoid sun exposure as much as possible and wear sunscreen of 30 spf or higher.

Avoid vigorous activity and sweating for 3 days following your treatment.

Avoid hot heat, hot showers, saunas, swimming pool and hot water for 2 weeks following your treatment.

Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer and discontinue any serums or anti-aging products for 2 weeks.

Avoid surfaces that may irritate skin such as pillows, beards, turtlenecks shirts.


Return for a follow up post peel treatment within 7 to 10 days following your treatment.



Improvements from light peels may be subtle, but you will notice a healthier glow to your skin and with continued treatments, you will notice a general improvement in the texture and clarity of your skin.

The results of a mid-depth or deep peel are usually very dramatic and long-lasting and only need to be repeated 2 times per year.  


Happy skinApeeling!